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Final Violin Concert

Final Violin Concert

  • Date: Sunday June 2
  • Location: Church of the Incarnation  (1240 Old Abbey Lane, Oakville, ON)
  • Concert Time: 3:30 - 5:30pm.
    • Everyone: Arrive for tuning between 3:00-3:15pm. 
    • Advanced students: Stay tuned for special instructions closer to the date.
  • Dress Code: Black bottom, white top, black shoes. 
  • Volunteer Sign-up: Stay tuned for more details.
  • Concert Program:  An e-program will be available closer to the date.
  • Concert Etiquette:  
    • Video and photography is encouraged, but please be mindful of those around you and not to block their view. 
    • Turn off all phones
    • We encourage families not to leave immediately after their children's performance.  Please consider remaining to watch as much of the concert as possible.  It is often a great motivation for young students to see others perform.
    • Everyone Welcome!  Admission is FREE. Please invite family, friends and, neighbours to attend. Know anyone who's thinking about taking music lessons? Invite them as well. Registration is NOT required for this event.  We are asking if our wonderful OSA families could bring a non-perishable food item to help stock the Free Community Pantry in the church parking lot. It would be very much apprecitated by the chuch as they cannot keep the pantry full.


Junior Students   (Books 1-4)

  • Please arrive at Incarnation between 3:00-3:15pm for tuning. 
  • Stay tuned for more details. 


  • Please arrive at Incarnation between 3:00-3:15pm for tuning.

Advanced Student Rehearsals: To be determined


Practice Buddies and Teen Mentors:

  • Please arrive at Incarnation for 3:00pm to assist with tuning.
June 2nd, 2024 3:00 PM   through   5:30 PM
1240 Old Abbey Lane
Anglican Church of the Incarnation
Oakville, ON L6M 3Y4